Resources from the Reserve Bank of Australia to help Economics teachers discuss the May, 2020 Labour Force Statistics

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released the May, 2020 Labour Force Statistics:


These data provide an opportunity for rich classroom discussions about labour market concepts and current conditions. To support such engagement, the Reserve Bank (RBA) has developed a number of resources that may be incorporated into lesson plans. Please see below.

Video Explainer: The Labour Market and Unemployment
The RBA has brought to life it’s popular Explainers series with a video presented by Economist Gigi Lovicu. Gigi talks students through the groups in the labour market and types of unemployment, relating this to the current conditions in Australia.

Explainer: Unemployment: Its Measurement and Types
This Explainer outlines how the unemployment rate is measured and describes the main types of unemployment.

Video: Recent Developments in the Labour Market
In this video recording of a recent RBA teacher professional development webinar, Head of Prices, Wages and Labour, Natasha Cassidy, discusses the effect of COVID-19 on the Australian labour market as at 25 May 2020.