News archive: 2014

Latest issue of “The EBE Journal – Journal of the Economics and Business Educators NSW” now available

The latest issue of The EBE Journal – Journal of the Economics and Business Educators NSW (Issue 1 — 2014) is now available in the members section of the website. EBE members must must login to access the latest EBE Journal. Past issues of “The EBE Journal” are also in the members section.

Articles include:

  • President’s Report – Joe Alvaro, Marist College North Shore
  • EBE NSW News
  • Submission to the 2014 Federal Government Review of the Australian Curriculum 11 (Part of the Coalition’s Students First Policy) by Economics and Business Educators NSW
  • Economics and Business News Bites – Compiled by Joe Alvaro, Marist College North Shore
  • Legal News Bites – Compiled by Joe Alvaro, Marist College North Shore
  • The Possibility Project – How do we get our students to think like an entrepreneur? – Kim Pearce, Teacher and Cofounder of the Possibility Project
  • The Challenge of Retaining Well Trained Nurses – Dr Stephen Whelan, Senior Lecturer, School of Economics, University of Sydney
  • Australian Environmental Policies and Issues – Dr Anthony Stokes & Dr Sarah Wright, Australian Catholic University, Strathfield
  • Don’t Believe the Unemployment Rate? Here’s What’s Happening – Tim Robinson, Melbourne Institute at University of Melbourne
  • Abbott in India: The Asian Century won’t be all about China – Tim Harcourt, UNSW Australia Business School
  • Did Qantas Bet the House on the Wrong Planes? – Hamza Bendemra, Australian National University
  • An Unconventional Economist Wins 2013 National Teaching Excellence Award
  • An International Student Call for Pluralism in Economics
  • Business Studies – Putting Together a Case Study – Kate Dally, Head Teacher Social Sciences Birrong Girls High School
  • Business Studies HSC Marketing Assessment Task Based on a Specific Case Study/Business – Joe Alvaro, Marist College North Shore
  • Year 9 Commerce Examination – Joe Alvaro, Marist College North Shore
  • A – Z Survival Guide for the NSW Board Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards Legal Studies Syllabus – 2009 (Updated for 2014) – Joe Alvaro, Marist College North Shore
  • Winner – 2013 Division 1 (Individual) Australasian CPA Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition
  • ASIC Media Release – Australian Students Score Well in PISA Financial Literacy Test but More to be Done: ASIC
  • Report on Attendance at NSW Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (NSW BOSTES) Consistency of Teacher Judgement Workshop – Joe Alvaro, Marist College North Shore
  • Establishing Control before Content in the Classroom – Joe Alvaro, Marist College North Shore
  • Expert Panel: What Makes a Good Teacher – David Zyngier, Monash University, John Loughran, Monash University, Andrew Martin, University of New South Wales and Robyn Ewing, University of Sydney
  • HSC Exam Guide: Top 5 Tips on How to Blitz Your Humanities Exam – Duncan Ivison, Professor of Political Philosophy at University of Sydney
  • Why it’s Not Just Assessors Who Benefit from Multiple Choice(s) – Phillip Dawson, Lecturer in Learning & Teaching at Monash University
  • Australian International School Teacher Profile
  • 2014 (Game 1) ASX Schools Sharemarket Game – The Game 1 Winner’s Strategy and an Introduction to the New Improved Game

2014 EBE NSW CPA Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition NSW Awards Ceremony – 20 October 2014

EBE NSW  recognized the Plan Your Own Enterprise ( PYOE) NSW winners at our annual  NSW awards ceremony on 20 October 2014 at the Sydney office of CPA Australia together with Mr Anthony Matis, General Manager of Education, CPA Australia. At the ceremony, prizes and certificates were awarded to the NSW student winners and their teachers. Parents were in attendance as well to celebrate the success of their child. Congratulations to  the following  winners and their teachers from NSW:
– Division 1 (Individual entry) – Emma Quoyle, Loreto Normanhurst for her business plan“Em Corp” (Teacher: Ms Alexandra Osborne).
– Division 2 (Group entry) – Nikita Chawla and Priyanka Visvalingam, MLC School for their business plan “Salty Memories” (Teacher: Ms Helen Kondos)

In the Loretto Normanhurst newsletter (24 October 2014), the Principal, Barbara Watkins, wrote:
Congratulations to Emma Quoyle of Year 11 Business Studies for being awarded 1st Place Winner of Division 1 in the NSW State Segment of the CPA Australia Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition for 2014. Each year at Loreto Normanhurst, Year 11 Business Studies students participate in the competition which encourages students to apply their business education to a real life scenario. It involves planning an innovative business idea and developing comprehensive plans that outline the future prospects for the business. Emma’s winning submission was about the establishment of ‘EmCorp’, a company which provides modified clothing for those who suffer from limited mobility. Emma will be attending the National CPA Australia 2014 Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition Presentation in Melbourne next week, and we wish her all the best.

2014 Business Educators Australasia CPA Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition National Awards Ceremony – 27 October 2014

Although our NSW winners were not successful at this year’s 2014 Business Educators Australasia CPA Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition National Awards Ceremony on  27 October 2014, they are to be commended for reaching this stage of the competition. Congratulations to  the following students who were the national winners in this year’s competition:
– Division 1 (Individual entry) – Angus Wither (Western Australia), Wesley College, for his business plan, “Life Housekeeping”.
– Equal Division 2 (Group entry) – Stewart Jackson and Toby Burnell (Tasmania), The Hutchins School, for their business plan, “expressO”.
– Equal Division 2 (Group entry) – Anthony Maxfield and Paedan Monaghan (Victoria), Hopetoun P-12 College, for their business plan, “Foreshore Flix”.

CPA Australia sponsors the PYOE Competition and EBE NSW acknowledges its support of students and teachers through this competition.  

All students who submitted an entry have been sent a Certificate of Participation from Bronwyn Hession, President – Business Educators Australasia and Penny Egan, President – CPA Australia.

CPA Australia and EBE NSW celebrate our innovative and enterprising students!

The awards ceremony for the 2014 NSW CPA Australia’s Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition was held on the evening of 20 October in CPA Australia headquarters, Sydney. This exciting event celebrated the achievements of both finalists and winners of Division 1 and Division 2 of the competition. Parents and teachers of finalist students were also in attendance.

The winner of Division 1 (individual) was Emma Quoyle of Loreto College Normanhurst for her business plan for ‘EmCorp’, a line of modified clothing targeted towards those who are suffering a disability or have had a life of changing illness or injury.

The winners of Division 2 (group) were from the MLC School Burwood for their entry ‘Salty Memories’.

Congratulations also to finalists from Hornsby Girls’ High School, Illawarra Christian School, and Sydney Girls’ High School.

Thanks go to CPA Australia for their generous sponsorship and for hosting the event, and to Competition Convenor, EBE NSW Director Rhonda Thompson.

EBE NSW wishes Emma Quoyle good luck as she now travels to Melbourne for the national awards on 27 October.

Teachers, students and parents continue to affirm the significant value of the PYOE competition for the Business and Economics education of our students. Congratulations to all.

2014 EBE NSW Trial HSC Examinations now available

The order form for the 2014 EBE NSW Trial HSC Business Studies, Economics and Legal Studies examination papers is now available. Relevant past papers are also available for purchase. The examination papers have been designed by EBE Directors and include marking guidelines. Special discount prices apply to members of EBE NSW.

 Order form

2014 CPA Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition

Business planning is an important element of business education. The CPA Australia Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition provides students with an in-depth appreciation of the business world and aspects of business operations.

Sponsored by CPA Australia, this competition is a great link to the Business Planning topic of the Preliminary Business Studies Course. In addition to the great competition prizes, your school has the chance to win an iPad simply by registering your school’s entries.

Entries to the 2014 CPA PYOE Competition are due to EBE NSW from individual students or groups of students by 5.00pm, Wednesday, 3 September 2014

 Further details and entry form (7.25MB)

Limited places available for EBE’s 2014 Annual Conference, Friday May 16!

This peak professional learning event for teachers of Economics, Business Studies, Legal Studies and Commerce has attracted educators from far and wide. Limited places are available. Join over 150 colleagues to hear the latest, update your knowledge and expertise, and network with experienced educators who are keen to share their experiences and resources. Keynote speakers include:

  • Stephen Long, ABC Economics Editor
  • Amy McNaughton, Corporate Affairs Manager, Coca-Cola Amatil
  • Simon Breakspear, Founder and CEO LearnLab
  • ASIC, CBF, Fair Trading NSW, BOSTES also feature on the program.

EBE NSW acknowledges the generous support and sponsorship of CPA Australia for this conference.

 Full conference program and registration form

EBE NSW makes a submission to the 2014 Federal Government Review of the Australian Curriculum

EBE NSW has made a submission to the 2014 Federal Government Review of the Australian Curriculum (part of the Coalition’s Students First policy)  in the context of the Australian Curriculum in Economics and Business and the Australian Curriculum in Civics and Citizenship.

To read our submission, click here.

To make a submission, visit Closing date for submissions is 14 March 2014 (Please note that the public consultation period of the review has been extended).

Joint submission of CPA Australia and the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia  to the 2014 Federal Government Australian Curriculum Review

The three key messages in the Joint submission of CPA Australia and the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia to the 2014 Federal Government Australian Curriculum Review are that:

  • the business and economics curriculum area needs to be relevant, energised and have real world applicability, and be periodically reviewed;
  • the business and economics curriculum area should commence in the early years, be compulsory throughout all compulsory years of schooling, and be extended into the senior secondary years; and
  • cross-curriculum priorities should be given emphasis and shape all curriculum areas.

 Read the full submission here.

First State Super continues to support excellence in financial literacy research for NSW school student

In an article in the Sydney Morning Herald (My Career, 5-6 April) HSIE Teacher at Saint Patrick’s Maris College Dundas, Elena Gray outlined how her recent study tour provided insights into excellence in financial literacy education. Elena’s trip which included a visit to the New York Stock Exchange and the NGO ‘The Money Charity’ in the UK also reinforced the importance of continuing professional development for teachers. Elena was the 2013 recipient of the First State Super NSW Premier’s Scholarship for Financial Literacy. 

In 2014, First State Super is once again awarding one scholarship of $15,000 to the successful applicant. Applications close on 2 May 2014.

 Further information or phone  (02) 9836 9032 for assistance with your application. 

Elena will share her experiences with colleagues at EBE’s Annual Conference on Friday 16 May 2014.

 Click here for further information about Elena’s scholarship.

Economics and Business Educators NSW 2014 Annual Conference

The 2014 EBE NSW Conference will be held on Friday 16 May 2014 from 8.45am – 3.40pm at Club Burwood RSL (96 Shaftesbury Road Burwood). This is the highlight event in NSW for teachers of Economics, Business Studies and Commerce. The conference will also have relevant sessions for teachers of Legal Studies.

The conference is registered with the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES). Act quickly to take advantage of the early bird conference rates.

 Full conference program and registration form

EBE NSW Annual Conference Professional Development Grants

Are you a teacher from a remote area of NSW and a financial member of EBE NSW? EBE NSW is funding the full conference registration and a contribution to travel expenses for two teachers from a remote area of NSW. Teachers who wish to apply are asked to email EBE a statement of 500 words or less outlining the expected benefits and learnings to be gained by attending the conference and networking with other teachers, and how those learnings would be shared with teachers from your school/region. Applications should be emailed to no later than 2 May 2014. Applicants should include their name, school, address, email address, BOSTES number (if applicable) and EBE membership number. All applicants should ensure that they have their principal’s permission to attend the conference.

Commonwealth Bank Foundation Teaching Awards: Applications Open

The Commonwealth Bank Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2014 Teaching Awards, giving teachers the opportunity to be recognised and awarded $10,000 to fund an existing or new financial education initiative in their school. Each of the 15 winning teachers will also receive $2,000 as a personal reward for their hard work and dedication.

Now in its third year, the Commonwealth Bank Foundation Teaching Awards fund educational and innovative financial learning programs. Past award recipients have created initiatives such as Farm Based Enterprises, where students ran a working farm, learning about the value of sustainability and budgeting, and the Posh Car Wash program which involved students undertaking market research and creating a business plan. These programs and many others around the country are instrumental in getting students involved and excited about financial education.

Applications for the 2014 Teaching Awards are open until Friday 16 May 2014. Kindergarten to Year 12 teachers in Australian schools are eligible to apply. Winners will be announced on Friday 25 July 2014.

 Complete an online application

ACARA releases Economics and Business Curriculum 

ACARA has released the Australian Curriculum for Economics and Business describing it as ‘available for use’, pending approval post the Australian Governments current Review of the Australian Curriculum. The Executive Committees of EBE NSW and Business Educators Australasia have both submitted responses to the review, seeing it as an opportunity to restate key issues raised by members during the consultation on the draft curriculum in 2013.  The NSW Board of Studies has not yet revealed its planning in relation to HSIE K- 6, Commerce 7 – 10 or Stage 6 Economics and Business Studies in NSW schools, other than restating that schools should follow the current syllabuses.

Business Educators Australasia Biennial Conference

Call for presenters

The BEA 2014 Conference Planning Committee is calling for expressions of interest for papers and workshops at the Biennial Conference on Thursday 2 and Friday 3 October 2014 at The University of Notre Dame, Fremantle Campus, Fremantle, Western Australia. The conference provides a forum for the teaching and learning of economics and business education and associated studies for colleagues across Australia and New Zealand. The Conference will also provide the opportunity for participants to be up-dated on the Australian Curriculum.

 Further details

Commonwealth Bank Foundation Professional Development Grant applications now open

If you have been teaching Economics and/or Business subjects for 5 years or less, you are eligible to apply for a professional development grant to attend the BEA conference in October in Fremantle.

 Further details and application form

2014 ASX Schools Sharemarket Game

2014 Game 1
Registrations: 13 February – 12 March
Game: 13 March – 21 May

2014 Game 2
Registrations: 23 July – 20 August
Game: 21 August – 29 October

The ASX Schools Sharemarket Game is a great way to give students real world experience without leaving the classroom. With a virtual $50,000 to invest in 150 shares listed on the ASX over 10 weeks of trading, students create their own share portfolio, trade online and compete against other students for a total prize pool of over $17,000. Reflecting real market conditions, the Game encourages students to:

  • develop their knowledge of the sharemarket
  • learn how to research companies
  • discover the importance of wise investment decisions
  • begin to learn more about investing which is beneficial for their future.

Teacher resources are available, including detailed lesson plans with teacher notes, assignment ideas, worksheets, videos and posters. Entry is free and open to all secondary schools in Australia.

 Download flyer

 To find out more and register, visit

 To receive a teacher resource pack, please email your details to

Commonwealth Class

Commonwealth Class is an initiative for schools from the British Council, BBC and Commonwealth Secretariat, and is delivered in Australia by the Australian Federation of Societies for Studies in Society and Environment (AFSSSE).

The British Council is developing a far-reaching partnership with the BBC, Commonwealth Secretariat and the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games to create a global legacy programme for school pupils, teachers and broadcast audiences. Schools across the Commonwealth will take part in an interactive project to explore Commonwealth values, the contemporary Commonwealth and links between sport, health, inclusion and gender issues (“sport and development”), inspiring pupils and enriching their education through international dialogue, titled the “Commonwealth Class”.

Commonwealth Class will enable more than 100,000 schools across the Commonwealth to access themed learning resources, take part in online exchanges and forums, and work on collaborative projects in cross-Commonwealth teams. Australia, as host of the 2018 Games, has been identified as one of the priority countries within the Commonwealth, alongside 11 others.
 Further information on Commonwealth Class can be found at and

AFSSSE has been awarded funding through the British Council to provide support to Australian schools to promote student awareness and understanding of the 2014 Commonwealth Games to be held 23 July–3 August 2014 in Glasgow, Scotland.
 Details of events

EBE NSW kicks off its 2014 PD program with “Teaching the Preliminary course (Year 11) in Business Studies, Economics or Legal Studies for the first time?”

“Teaching the Preliminary course (Year 11) in Business Studies, Economics or Legal Studies for the first time?” will be held on Monday 24 February 2014 from 4.15pm – 7.30pm at the Department of Education and Communities NSW Building – 3B Smalls Road, Ryde NSW.

This NSW Institute of Teachers endorsed PD course has been designed specifically for:

  • beginning teachers and experienced teachers who are teaching the Preliminary Course (Year 11) in Business Studies, Economics or Legal Studies for the first time.
  • teachers who may have already taught one of these courses in the past but who need a refresher course.
  • teachers who intend to teach one of these courses in the near future.

The course will look at:

  • effective teaching and learning strategies designed to engage students, based on the current Board of Studies NSW syllabus
  • assessment procedures and techniques, including the Board of Studies NSW requirements for the allocation of Preliminary grades for the Record of School Achievement (RoSA)
  • useful teaching and learning resources.

The course will be presented by experienced teachers and EBE NSW Directors who will share their own experiences during their challenging early years of teaching and how they coped.

Click here for the full conference program and registration details.

EBE NSW Directors interviewed by The Sydney Morning Herald about financial literacy

EBE NSW Directors Joe Alvaro and Liz Criddle were interviewed by the Sydney Morning Herald for the article “Financial guidance on the money” (1-2 October 2011).

 Read the full article here.

EBE NSW Board of Directors

As a result of the elections held as part of the EBE NSW Annual General Meeting on 1 December 2014, a new Board of Directors has been elected.

The Board of Directors for 2014/2015 are:

President: Mr Joe Alvaro (Marist College North Shore)
Vice President: Ms Cheryl Brennan (Illawarra Christian School)
Vice President: Ms Kate Dally (Birrong Girls High School)
Treasurer and Company Secretary *: Ms Bronwyn Hession (Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW)
Director: Mr Andrew Athavle (William Carey Christian School)
Director: Mr Matthew Bookallil (Knox Grammar School)
Director: Ms Kate Keeley (The University of Sydney)
Director: Ms Anna Tsoutsa (Auburn Girls High School)
Director: Mr Nicholas Ward (Ryde Secondary College)
Director: Dr Sarah Wright (Australian Catholic University, Strathfield)

* Bronwyn Hession was appointed Company Secretary at the Board of Directors Ordinary Meeting on 1 December 2014 (following the AGM).

In addition, the following educators have joined the Board of Directors since the EBE NSW Annual General Meeting on 1 December 2014:
Director: Ms Joean Borg (Ascham College) – Elected to fill a vacant Director position at the EBE Board of Directors meeting on 15 June 2015
Director: Mr Glenn Walker (Knox Grammar School) – Elected to fill a vacant Director position at the EBE Board of Directors meeting on 27 July  2015

The Board of Directors meet twice during each school term. If you have any questions and/or suggestions that you would like the Board to consider at their next meeting, please email