News archive: 2012

EBE NSW Director heads Business Educators Australasia

The BEA Council elected a new national executive at its AGM held in Sydney October 6 2012. EBE NSW Director Bronwyn Hession was elected unopposed to the position of President.

View details of the new BEA executive.

The APTAS 2012 – The Awards of the Australian Professional Teachers Association

Congratulations to EBE NSW Director and President of Business Educators Australasia, Bronwyn Hession, who was presented with an APTA Meritorious Contribution to the Profession Award by The Hon Peter Garrett AM MP, Federal Member for Kingsford Smith and Minister for School Education, Early Childhood and Youth at a ceremony held on 1 December 2012 at the Sydney College of the Arts, Rozelle. This is a significant national award which recognises Bronwyn’s outstanding contribution to education. Below is the award citation:

Bronwyn Hession has had a long and distinguished connection with professional teachers associations in NSW and beyond. In recent times she has held Executive positions on both the Economics and Business Educators of NSW and Business Educators of Australasia Boards and has worked tirelessly to develop and deliver quality professional development for teachers of Commerce, Business and Economics over a sustained period of time. She has represented Economics and Business Educators on the Board of the Professional Teachers’ Council of NSW.

Always putting the learning of others first, Bronwyn has a generosity of spirit that has seen her contribute across a wide range of contexts and use her own learning to develop others through mentoring and guidance. She has contributed to national partnerships, consumer and financial literacy projects, teacher quality projects, Australian Government Quality Teacher Programs and most recently as a member of the Expert Reference Group for the Australian Curriculum for Business and Economics Education.

Bronwyn is an outstanding leader of educators and works with energy and passion for the betterment of all students. Her deep knowledge of student learning, the way that education systems work; and the role of educational leadership in promoting and enhancing student learning has been applied to consideration of current educational reforms for many stakeholders.

University of Western Sydney – Bridges to Higher Education

EBE’s colleagues at UWS have asked us to remind teachers about this valuable initiative which was launched in September 2012.

“Bridges to Higher Education” is a consortium of Sydney-based universities (UWS, Macquarie, Sydney, UTS and Australian Catholic University) that was awarded significant Australian Government funding (2012-14) for a wide range of programs and projects focused on expanding participation in higher education, specifically for students from communities under represented in higher education.  One of these projects is called “Bridges Connect” and it aims to utilise technology to build capacity, raise aspirations and provide academic enrichment in schools in these communities.  The talks are the first in a series to be produced through Bridges Connect. Professional development sessions for teachers in the use of technology are also being run through this project, with further activities in the pipeline.

Further information on the Bridges Connect

Further information on UWS’s Fast Forward Program

BEA Biennial Conference 2012

The BEA conference, convened by EBE NSW and VCTA, was held in Sydney on Thursday 4 and Friday 5 October 2012.

The conference provided a forum for the teaching and learning of business and economics education and associated studies for colleagues across Australia and New Zealand. A particular emphasis was on the development of the Australian curriculum.

Read a report on this very successful event.

 Some of the conference papers and presentations are available for download by EBE members after login.
Read some of the conference papers and presentations.

EBE NSW wishes to acknowledge the generous support of conference sponsors CPA Australia and the Commonwealth Bank Foundation.

EBE NSW Director heads Business Educators Australasia

The BEA Council elected a new national executive at its AGM held in Sydney October 6 2012. EBE NSW Director Bronwyn Hession was elected unopposed to the position of President.

View details of the new BEA executive.

Business Educators Australasia response to ACARA’s draft Shape paper

Read the BEA Council response to the draft paper: Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business.

View ACARA’s draft timeline for the finalisation of the Shape paper and the development of the curriculum.

EBE NSW Webinar on the Draft Shape Paper — Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business held on 10 September 2012

On 10 September 2012 (7.00pm – 8.30pm EST) EBE NSW held a webinar on the Draft Paper: Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business which the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) has released for public consultation. Professor John Lodewijks (School of Business, University of Western Sydney) gave an overview of the draft shape paper. John was a member of the ACARA Economics and Business Expert Advisory Group for the draft shape paper and is a Director of EBE NSW. Participants were also able to ask questions, give feedback and answer poll questions.

Listen to the webinar (Requires Flash Player 10.3 or above)

Poll questions and the results from the webinar

Read the draft shape paper available now on the ACARA website

Visit the ACARA website ( to provide feedback on the Draft Paper: Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business.

If you would like to send any comments to EBE NSW to inform EBE’s final position statement,
please email them to

Public consultation closes on Friday 12 October 2012.

EBE NSW Webinar on Draft Paper: Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business

Monday 10 September 2012 7.00pm – 8.30pm EST

The Draft Paper: Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business has been released by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) for consultation. All teachers of Business Studies, Commerce and Economics in NSW will need to be aware of the contents of the draft shape paper as it will inform the writers of the final curriculum and impact on what we teach in the classroom.

Join the webinar for an overview of the draft shape paper by Professor John Lodewijks (School of Business, University of Western Sydney). Professor Lodewijks was a member of the ACARA Business and Economics Expert Advisory Group for the draft shape paper and is a Director of EBE NSW. Following John’s overview, participants will have a chance to ask questions and offer feedback on the key directions, content and structure which have been proposed. EBE NSW will be providing feedback to ACARA (consultation closes 12 October 2012). Your views will inform EBE’s final position statement. A list of issues will be emailed to registrants prior to the webinar to facilitate discussion.

Register for the EBE webinar

Read the draft shape paper available now on the ACARA website

A breakfast presentation on “Building a career in business”

The University of Sydney Business School invites you to a breakfast presentation on the topic, “Building a career in business”, on Friday 14 September 2012 from 8am – 9.30am at The Hilton Sydney. Click here for further details.

Bronwyn Hession, receives award for “Meritorious Contribution to the Profession”

Bronwyn Hession, Economics and Business Educators NSW Director and Business Educators Australasia Inc. Vice President, has received a national award for “Meritorious Contribution to the Profession” by the Australian Professional Teachers Association. This award recognises Bronwyn’s contribution to the professional standing of teachers through her involvement in a range of activities that has highlighted the work of professional teaching associations at a local level, her roles as a mentor and facilitator for colleagues in promoting and leading professional learning activities and her significant impact on the work of teachers through their ability to creatively implement change through professional learning. Bronwyn will soon attend a ceremony to formally receive her award. The EBE NSW Board of Directors and Members congratulate Bronwyn on this well deserved award.

Australian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship Draft Shape Paper – National Consultation closes 10 August 2012

The draft Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship has been released by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) for public consultation until 10 August 2012. The draft Shape Paper proposes directions for the development of the national Civics and Citizenship curriculum from Foundation to Year 12.

  • What knowledge, skills and values do you want in a Civics and Citizenship curriculum to help our students be and become active and informed citizens?
  • What has the content we teach in Business Studies, Commerce, Economics and Legal Studies have to offer the Civics and Citizenship curriculum?

ACARA is inviting teachers to have their say.

Draft Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship
Provide feedback through ACARA’s online questionnaire

Comments can also be sent to EBE NSW at as EBE NSW will be submitting a response to the draft Shape Paper.

More information about the Australian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship will be available by attending the 2012 Business Educators Australasia Biennial Conference on 4 and 5 October in Sydney. Click here for further information and to register.

Let the game begin!

No — not the Olympics. The fabulous ASX Sharemarket Game!

Registrations are now open and the Game period is from 16 August to 24 October. To find out more, visit This is one of the most engaging resources available to teachers who want to bring the sharemarket alive. Teacher resources are extensive and there is no cost. Register your students now.


UTS July 2012 Events

EBE members are welcome to register for the following two lectures at UTS during the school holiday period:
10 July: World Bank Economist and Sydney Uni architecture alumnus Martin Ravallion, a graduate of the University of Sydney will be talking about the rise of relative poverty against a decline in absolute poverty amongst the world’s poorest nations. Further details
11 July: Professor Thomas Clarke will speak on the future of the Australian economy. Further details

BEAQ conference July 27/28 — ‘Growing Our Leaders’

Program and registration details

Commonwealth Bank Foundation Teaching Awards

This award recognises teachers who promote financial literacy with $10,000 to invest in their program plus $2,000 as a personal reward. Simply tell us about a money management program that you or a teacher you know currently has in place, or a program you would like to see get started. It’s that easy. Teachers can apply themselves or anyone can nominate a teacher that’s doing a great job.

Winners will also enjoy a trip to Sydney to meet the other recipients. There are 15 awards to be won. The Commonwealth Foundation Teaching Awards are open to all teachers in Australian schools, K to Yr 12, as well as Australian TAFE Colleges.

Applications close on Friday 25 May 2012.

Further details

NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarships 2012

Two scholarships are available for teachers of Economics, Business Studies and Commerce in 2012.

1. Premier’s Macquarie Capital Business Studies and Economics Scholarship

One (1) scholarship of $15,000 will be awarded to a teacher in a primary or secondary school or a TAFE NSW Institute. Application package.

2. Premier’s First State Super Financial Literacy Scholarship

One (1) scholarship of $15,000 will be awarded to a teacher in a primary or secondary school or a TAFE NSW Institute. Application package.

This is a wonderful opportunity for teachers who are keen to undertake research overseas on an aspect of the curriculum. EBE members are encouraged to apply. One of the recipients from 2011 was EBE Director Liz Criddle.

Applications for the NSW Premier’s Teachers Scholarships will close on Friday 4 May 2012. If you would like assistance with your application please contact the Premier’s Scholarships Secretariat on (02) 9244 5096 or (02) 9266 8920. The secretariat will also be able to provide assistance in identifying a subject specific critical mentor for you to discuss your application.

Assistance is available to help applicants prepare an application for a Premier’s Teacher Scholarship. Teachers can register their interest via My PL@Edu Course Code 151SPS011. This DEC course is registered professional development under the terms of the NSW Institute of Teachers Continuing Professional Development policy. For teachers accredited at Professional Competence, completion of this course will contribute 7 hours towards Institute Registered professional development. This course will address the following Professional Teaching Standards 1.2.2; 6.2.1; 6.2.7; 7.2.4.

Flyer :: Further details

In-country Study Program for Business Educators

Riding the Iron Rooster of Economic Reform

1 July – 12 July 2012

Developed specifically for business educators, this program enables participants to experience firsthand the economic powerhouse that is modern China. Travelling from Guangzhou, China’s economic trading window from the Ming to the Qing Dynasty, to Shenzhen, Deng Xiaoping’s first Special Economic Zone, then on to Shanghai and Beijing, participants will gain insight into the historical and socio-political forces behind China’s modernisation through visits to key sites, interactions with locals and briefings from experts.

This program will support educators to consider Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia cross curriculum priority of the Australian Curriculum. The organising ideas of the priority will be explored throughout the program:

  • Asia and its diversity
  • Achievement and contributions of the peoples of Asia
  • Australia — Asia engagement.

Further details

AEF Study Tours Registration Form
Registrations close Friday 11 May 2012

EBE NSW Board of Directors

As a result of the elections held as part of the EBE NSW Annual General Meeting on 22 October 2012, a new Board of Directors has been elected. The Board of Directors for 2012/2013 are:
President: Mr Joe Alvaro (Marist College North Shore)
Vice President: Ms Kate Dally (Birrong Girls High School)
Vice President: Mr Stuart Jones (Inaburra School)
Treasurer: Vacant
Director: Mr Andrew Athavle (William Carey Christian School)
Director: Ms Bronwyn Hession (Board of Studies NSW and President – Business Educators Australasia Inc.)
Director: Ms Catherine Keeley (The University of Sydney)
Director: Professor John Lodewijks (University of Western Sydney)
Director: Ms Pauline Sheppard* (Australian Islamic College)
Director: Ms Rhonda Thompson (St Patrick’s College Sutherland)
* Pauline Sheppard was appointed Company Secretary at the Board of Directors Meeting on 22 October 2012 (following the AGM).
The Board of Directors meet twice during each school term. If you have any questions and/or suggestions that you would like the Board to consider at their next meeting, please email