EBE NSW Webinar on the ACARA Draft Years 5-10 Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business
On 18 June 2013 EBE NSW held a webinar on the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) Draft Years 5-10 Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business (the draft curriculum can be accessed on the ACARA website). Participants were able to hear from EBE NSW Director Professor John Lodewijks who gave an overview of the draft curriculum, as well ask questions and offer feedback.
>> Listen to the webinar (Requires Flash Player 10.3 or above)
EBE NSW Webinar on the ACARA Draft Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business
On 10 September 2012 EBE NSW held a webinar on the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) Draft Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business ( this document can be accessed on the ACARA website). Participants were able to hear from EBE NSW Director Professor John Lodewijks who gave an overview of the Draft Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business. Participants were also able to ask questions, give feedback and answer poll questions. The webinar recording can be accessed by clicking on the link below:
>> Listen to the webinar (Requires Flash Player 10.3 or above)
>> Poll questions and the results from the webinar
EBE NSW President interviewed by the Business Spectator about the declining number of students studying Economics
EBE NSW President, Joe Alvaro, was interviewed for the article, “Retuning Australia’s Economic Debate” by John Conroy (Business Spectator, 1 June 2012) which looked at the declining number of students studying Economics .
>> Read the full article here.
The full article was also reprinted in “The EBE Journal – Journal of the Economics and Business Educators NSW” ( Issue 2, 2012) which can be found in the members section of the website.
EBE NSW Directors interviewed by The Sydney Morning Herald about financial literacy
EBE NSW Directors Joe Alvaro and Liz Criddle were interviewed by the Sydney Morning Herald for the article “Financial guidance on the money” (1-2 October 2011).
>> Read the full article here.