Useful Commerce website links

Incursion - Optus Digital Thumbprint

Optus Digital Thumbprint teaches young people to be safe, responsible and positive online through free, curriculum-aligned workshops that are fun and interactive.

The Digital Thumbprint Program has five key topics.

>> For more information

Teaching and learning resources for Commerce teachers from the Financial Basics Foundation

The Financial Basics Foundation provides free financial literacy resources to Australian educators.

>> See the Financial Basics Foundation Resource Guide here.

Parliamentary Education Office - Video Conferencing Program

Connect with parliamentary experts through Parliamentary Insider — the PEO’s video conference program.

Parliamentary Insider brings Parliament into your classroom. Students speak with experts and explore how Parliament works to make Australia a better place to live.

>> More information

Your rights when approached by police in NSW

Information about rights when approached by police, arrest rights and interview rights.

>> View here

Behind The News

The ABC TV news and current affairs program for children, “Behind The News”, airs stories related to Commerce. Type in concepts and terms related to Commerce using “story keyword” search function:

>> Search for Commerce items

Key Money Concepts

Key Money Concepts is a resource devoted to helping Australians become efficient in managing money. It offers an essential toolkit for developing long-term wealth, both online and offline, with plenty of free content available for the everyday people to take that first step towards getting on top of their finances. Go to “Learning” for free resources related to the Commerce course.

>> View Key Money Concepts

Film – “How Australia Came To Be”

The Australian Constitution Centre film “The Journey: How Australia Came To Be” explores the foundation principles of the Constitution.

The film is set in 1901 and two children, Matilda and Banjo, are on their way to the Federation party at Centennial Park. All the different colonies in Australia have agreed to come together as one country and it’s very exciting. One country, one set of rules, one people. We are all united under something called the Constitution. Matilda and Banjo explain why democracy, the rule of law, separation of powers, federalism, nationhood and rights are the foundation principles of our Constitution.

>> View here

Videos for Self Represented Litigants

These videos show people how to represent themselves in court:

  • Finding your courtroom
  • Asking for an adjournment
  • Pleading guilty
  • Pleading not guilty
  • Presenting your case at a defended hearing:  

         – The hearing: The prosecution evidence
         – The hearing: Cross-examining a witness
         – The hearing: Giving evidence
         – The hearing: Questioning your witnesses
         – The hearing: Making submissions

>> View the above videos here

See a NSW Government Media Release titled “Videos Get Self-represented Litigants Ready for Court” – 12 February 2014 about the videos here.

ABC Education

ABC Education brings you free educational resources for Primary and Secondary students — thousands of videos, games and programs. Commerce teachers can search for material related to topics in the Commerce course.

>> View ABC Education

Australian Taxation Office Education Zone

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has a schools education program offers a range of resources to help you teach tax and learn about tax and superannuation.

Tax Super + You is a free online teaching resource that is aligned to the Australian Curriculum. It is a complete learning management system, which includes fun, animated, visual and interactive elements designed to appeal to students. Topics include:

  • an introduction to the tax and super systems
  • why you need a tax file number (TFN) and how to get one
  • preparing to enter the workforce or study
  • how to complete tax returns
  • an overview of business tax
  • an overview of superannuation.

You can also request an in-school presentation or interactive webinar. ATO staff can conduct free presentations for students and teachers on a range of tax and super topics.

>> More information

Videos – How laws are made

How Laws are Made, presented as two 10-minute films: Parliament and Courts, provides an overview of where Australian laws come from and how new laws are made. It is aimed at non-lawyers including public librarians, the education sector and legal assistance agencies.

>> Watch the videos here


Kidsnews is a free news based literacy tool for classrooms. Topics include civics and money. Includes learning activities.

>> More information

Academic and Professional Speakers in Schools

Academics and professionals from Western Sydney University are available to speak in schools or to school groups free of charge. Many are leaders in their fields. This program gives teachers opportunities to extend and enhance their students’ learning and educational aspirations, whilst increasing their own knowledge.

Check out the register for information on each speaker’s area of expertise, sample topics, suggested audiences and estimated presentation times.

>> More information

>> To book a speaker download this form or book online

If you have any questions about the program, please email Do NOT contact the speakers directly. This helps Western Sydney University  effectively organise and track use of the register.

ABC TV Program – “Teenage Boss”

Would you let a teenager take over the family finances? “Teenage Boss” is a TV program which follows teenagers across Australia as they take control of the family finances for a month, with some surprising (pr perhaps not so surprising) results.

Watch “Teenage Boss” on ABC iview.
