2021 Business Educators Australasia Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition (PYOE) - Entries close on Friday 10 September 2021
Due to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions in PYOE NSW entries this year can be submitted in one of two ways:
1. By post:
Nick Ward
PYOE Competition Coordinator
Economics and Business Educators NSW (EBE NSW)
PO Box 699
Please refer to guidelines for submission on the EBE NSW website.
2. Email to admin@ebe.nsw.edu.au
If sending via email each entry must be a PDF file with the first page of the PDF the entry form. The file name should be the name of the business.
Multiple entries can be sent in the one email.
Please refer to guidelines for submission on the EBE NSW website:
If you have any questions about the competition feel free to email us: admin@ebe.nsw.edu.au