Professional development archive: 2016
Economics and Business Educators 2016 Events Calendar
Click here to see the Economics and Business Educators 2016 Events Calendar (as at 23 July 2016).
EBE NSW Professional Development Event - 2016 EBE NSW Legal Update Conference
Date: Friday 25 November 2016
Time: 8.50am – 4.00pm
Venue: NSW Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney
BOSTES NSW endorsed?: Yes
Update and deepen your knowledge in relation to the legal issues in the Legal Studies and Commerce syllabuses by hearing from experts in the legal world and legal educators.
Session Presenters:
- Margaret Cunneen, SC – NSW Deputy Senior Crown Prosecutor
- Mark Tedeschi, AM QC – NSW Senior Crown Prosecutor
- Chrissa Loukas, SC – Public Defender
- Sergeant Alissa Parker – Police Prosecutor
- Nick Clark, Chief Executive Officer – Rule of Law Institute of Australia
- Daniela Giorgi, Civics and Citizenship Officer – NSW Parliament House
- Joe Alvaro, Head of HSIE Department and Legal Studies Teacher – De La Salle College, Revesby Heights
>> Further details and registration form
2016 Business Educators Australasia Biennial Conference – Thinking, Teaching, Doing Business
Date: 29th and 30th September 2016 (during the end of Term 3 NSW school holidays)
Venue: Wrest Point Convention Centre, Tasmania
BOSTES NSW endorsed?: Yes
The 2016 Business Educators Australasia Biennial National Conference – Thinking, Teaching, Doing Business will be held in Hobart, Tasmania on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 September 2016. The conference will provide a forum for the teaching and learning of business and economics education and associated studies for colleagues across Australia. A particular emphasis will be on the development of the Australian Curriculum. As Economics and Business Educators NSW is an affiliate member of Business Educators Australasia, EBE NSW members can attend the conference at a discounted rate. There are also low student teacher rates available.
>> More details can be found on the conference website.
There are professional learning grants available for this conference – see the item below.
Professional learning grants for teachers to attend the 2016 Business Educators Australasia Biennial Conference – Thinking, Teaching, Doing Business in Hobart, Tasmania
The 2016 Business Educators Australasia Biennial National Conference – Thinking, Teaching, Doing Business will be held in Hobart, Tasmania on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 September 2016 (see the item above). Economics, Business Studies, Legal Studies and Commerce teachers have an opportunity to a professional development grant to attend the 2016 Business Educators Australasia – Thinking, Teaching, Doing Business national conference which will be held in Hobart, Tasmania.
The following professional learning grants are being offered:
1. Economics and Business Educators NSW Professional Learning Grant
Economics and Business Educators NSW is offering a professional learning grant for one EBE NSW member to attend the 2016 Business Educators Australasia Biennial Conference – Thinking, Teaching, Doing Business to be held in Hobart, Tasmania. The grant covers the cost of return airfare, conference registration (at the early bird rate) and accommodation at Wrest Point Hotel (the conference venue) on Wednesday 28 September 2016 and Thursday 29 September 2016.
EBE NSW members who wish to apply are asked to email EBE NSW a statement of 500 words or less describing the expected benefits and learnings to be gained by attending the conference and networking with other teachers, and how those learnings would be shared with teachers from your school and region. Applicants should also indicate their willingness to write a comprehensive report about the conference for “The EBE Journal – Journal of the Economics and Business Educators NSW” upon their return to NSW.
Applications should be emailed to by close of business on 17 June 2016. Applicants should include their full name, school, address, email address and EBE NSW membership number.
2. Commonwealth Bank Professional Learning Grants
To assist new teachers to the profession, the Commonwealth Bank are sponsoring two professional learning grants of $500 to assist with the registration fee and travel to the 2016 Business Educators Australasia Biennial Conference – Thinking, Teaching, Doing Business to be held in Hobart, Tasmania. To learn more about whether you are eligible and how to apply, please click here to download the form. Applications close on 17 June 2016.
EBE NSW Professional Development Event – Teaching the HSC Course (Year 12) in Economics or Legal Studies for the First Time?
Date: Wednesday 7 September 2016
Time: 4.15pm – 7.30pm
Venue: NSW Department of Education Building, 3B Smalls Road, Ryde NSW
BOSTES NSW endorsed?: Yes
This course has been designed for beginning teachers and experienced teachers who are teaching the Year 12 Economics or Legal Studies course for the first time in Term 4 2016/2017. It will also be beneficial for teachers who have already taught this course in the past but are in need of a refresher course or, teachers who intend to teach this course in the near future.
Each subject session will look at effective teaching and learning strategies designed to motivate and engage students, based on the current BOSTES NSW syllabus. Assessment procedures and techniques (including the BOSTES NSW HSC external examination and how the examination is marked) and useful teaching and learning resources will also be looked at. The course will be presented by experienced teachers and HSC markers who will share their own experiences during their challenging early years of teaching and how they coped.
>> Further details and registration form
EBE NSW Professional Development Event – Teaching the HSC Course (Year 12) in Business Studies for the First Time?
Date: Friday 5 August 2016
Time: 8.30am – 3.00pm
Venue: NSW Department of Education Building, 3B Smalls Road, Ryde NSW
BOSTES NSW endorsed?: Yes
This course has been designed for beginning teachers and experienced teachers who are teaching the Year 12 Business Studies course for the first time in Term 4 2016-2017. It will also be beneficial for teachers who have already taught this course in the past but are in need of a refresher course or, teachers who intend to teach this course in the near future.
This course will look at effective teaching and learning strategies designed to engage students, based on the current Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW (BOSTES NSW) HSC Business Studies syllabus. It will also cover programming ideas, assessment procedures and techniques. Useful teaching and learning resources will be available for each participant. Presenters at this course include experienced Business Studies teachers and BOSTES NSW HSC Business Studies markers who will share their own experiences of teaching during the challenging early years.
>> Further details and registration form
EBE NSW Professional Development Event – 2016 Economics Update Conference
Date: Friday 17 June 2016
Time: 8:30am – 4:20pm
Venue: CPA Australia 3/111 Harrington St, Sydney NSW 2000
BOSTES NSW endorsed?: Yes
EBE NSW is excited to be running an Economics Update Conference on Friday 17 June 2016. Sponsored by CPA Australia, this course will provide Economics teachers with up to date information and statistics, to complement the HSC Economics syllabus. Each session has been specifically linked to the syllabus content from across all four topics.
A high calibre of experts will be presenting from a range of organisations, including: Australian Catholic University, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Consul-General of the Republic of Indonesia, CPA Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Reserve Bank of Australia, and The Treasury.
At the end of each session, course participants will have the opportunity to engage in a question and answer session with the presenter, to answer specific questions.
This event will be hosted at CPA Australia’s Sydney office in Harrington St, Sydney (5 minute walk from Circular Quay Railway Station).
Morning Tea and Lunch will be provided.
There are discounts for EBE NSW members as well as early bird rates.
>> Download the conference program and registration form
EBE NSW Professional Development Event – 2016 EBE NSW Annual Conference – Inspired and Informed: Leading the Way in Economics and Business Education
Date: Friday 20 May 2016
Time: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Venue: Club Burwood RSL, 96 Shaftesbury Rd, Burwood NSW
BOSTES NSW endorsed?: Yes
>> 2016 EBE NSW Annual Conference is now fully subscribed
EBE NSW is pleased to provide the program for its Annual Conference on Friday 20 May 2016. The theme is “Inspired and Informed: Leading the Way in Economics and Business Education“.
The strengths of the 2016 Conference program are:
- it covers a range of subject areas in the one day, making it a wise choice for several teachers in your school’s HSIE Department to attend together;
- it offers a choice of sessions, providing flexibility to suit your professional learning needs;
- it provides a rigorous leadership strand aimed at Heads of Departments;
- it includes well-respected and engaging keynote speakers – Ross Gittins on the federal government budget that will have recently been released at the time of the conference; and Sarah Prescott, Head of Marketing and Communications from Thankyou, as a Business Case Study for the marketing topic;
- it incorporates practical classroom resources and ideas you can use, presented by well-respected classroom teachers;
- it is grounded in academic research; and
- it includes a review of the 2015 HSC examinations for Economics, Business Studies and Legal Studies, presented by experienced HSC markers.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference.
There are discounts for EBE NSW members as well as early bird rates.
EBE NSW is offering two professional development grants which will fund the full conference registration fee and a contribution to travel expenses (up to $500) for two teachers from a remote area of NSW. See the item below, “EBE NSW 2016 Annual Conference Professional Development Travel Grants”.
>> Download the conference program and registration form (Fully subscribed)
EBE NSW 2016 Annual Conference Professional Development Travel Grants
Are you a teacher from a rural area of NSW and a financial member of EBE NSW? EBE NSW is funding the full conference registration fee and a contribution to travel expenses (up to $500) for two teachers from a remote area of NSW. Teachers who wish to apply are asked to email EBE NSW a statement of 500 words or less outlining the expected benefits and learnings to be gained by attending the conference and networking with other teachers, and how those learnings would be shared with teachers from your school/region.
Applications should be emailed to no later than 29 April 2016. Applicants should include their name, school, address, email address, BOSTES NSW number (if applicable) and EBE NSW membership number. All applicants should ensure that they have their principal’s permission to attend the conference.
EBE NSW Professional Development Event – Revamping and Resourcing Commerce
Date: Wednesday 30 March 2016
Time: 4.15pm – 7.30pm
Venue: Department of Education – 3B Smalls Road, RYDE
Does your Commerce program need revamping in order to engage more of your students in the 21st century classroom? Do you need activity based resources which will save you time and inspire your students? Then come along to “Revamping and Resourcing Commerce”. Participants will gain fresh insights into the Commerce syllabus and will be able to reflect on and improve their Commerce teaching strategies. Presenters will focus on authentic, innovative programming and assessment. The course will provide participants with opportunities for collegial discussions and the sharing of ideas and resources.
Participants are asked to email a Commerce assessment task with marking criteria to by Tuesday 22 March 2016. The assessment tasks will be distributed to each participant.
>> Further details and registration form
EBE NSW Professional Development Event – Teaching the Preliminary course (Year 11) in Business Studies for the first time?
Date: Friday 11 March 2016
Time: 8.45am – 3.00pm
Venue: NSW Department of Education and Communities Building, 3B Smalls Road, Ryde
This course has been designed specifically for:
- beginning teachers and experienced teachers who are teaching the preliminary course (Year 11) Business Studies for the first time
- teachers who may have already taught one of these courses in the past but who need a refresher course
- teachers who intend to teach one of these courses in the near future.
This course will focus on the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW Business Studies Preliminary (Year 11) syllabus and look at:
- effective teaching and learning strategies designed to engage students
- programming ideas
- assessment procedures and techniques
- useful teaching and learning resources.
The course will be presented by experienced teachers who will share their own experiences during their challenging early years of teaching and how they coped.
>> Further details and registration form
EBE NSW Professional Development Event – Teaching the Preliminary Course (Year 11) in Economics or Legal Studies for the first time?
Date: Wednesday 9 March 2016
Time: 4.15pm-7.30pm
Venue: Department of Education NSW Building, 3B Smalls Road, Ryde
This course has been designed specifically for:
- beginning teachers and experienced teachers who are teaching the preliminary course (Year 11) in Economics or Legal Studies for the first time
- teachers who may have already taught one of these courses in the past but who need a refresher course
- teachers who intend to teach one of these courses in the near future.
This course will focus on the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW Legal Studies and Economics Preliminary (Year 11) syllabuses and look at:
- effective teaching and learning strategies designed to engage students, based on the current Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW Economics and Legal Studies syllabuses
- programming ideas
- assessment procedures and techniques
- useful teaching and learning resources.
The course will be presented by experienced teachers who will share their own experiences during their challenging early years of teaching and how they coped.
>> Further details and registration form
Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CA ANZ) Information Breakfast Morning for Economics, Business Studies and Commerce Teachers
As part of their commitment to informing and inspiring students on career possibilities, Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CA ANZ) are inviting Business Studies and Commerce teachers from high schools across New South Wales to an information breakfast morning.
Date: Friday 12 February, 2016
Time: 7:00am-8:30am
Location:Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, Level 9, 33 Erskine Street, Sydney – 5 minute walk from Wynyard Station
Cost: Complimentary – catering provided
You will have the opportunity to hear from young professionals who went on to study Business and Commerce after high school. This is a fantastic opportunity to find out first-hand what students can expect from a career in Business and Accounting.
Please ensure you register your interest here.